
Photo of the Week 2016-01-18

They live amongst us,
their signs here and there,
actually most everywhere.

'Tis but for us to look,
and lift our gaze,
from life's daily drudge.

Amid brisk blowing snow,
winter's morn reveals,
their every presence here.

They live amongst us.
Nay ... it is we,
who live amongst them.

My morning tromp, particularly up north, provides opportunity to see and experience much. In winter, rather than lower my head and grumble at the snow and cold, I choose to savour the experience. The chill freshens my outlook and I enjoy searching the road and trail sides for signs of activity. Rabbit, squirrel and coyote tracks, I commonly encounter.

When last at the cottage, after a fresh snow, I noticed new tracks from our local wildlife at several locations as took  Murphy for his morning walk. During the days following, with very little more snow fallen, tracks and trails became more numerous and began to paint a picture of the activity around us. I eagerly anticipated each next outing and the changes that would be revealed, until ... another fresh snow, when it would start all over again.


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